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Bezpieczeństwo edukacyjne w ocenie absolwentów


Educational safety in graduates` assessment

Słowa kluczowe: bezpieczeństwo edukacyjne, absolwent, szkolnictwo wyższe.

Key words: educational safety, graduate, higher education.

Abstract: The higher education institutions are taking an action in providing the educational safety for students. In the article the assessment of curriculum and conditions of studying were presented by undergraduates and postgraduates. In the analyses the issue of influence of membership in the specific group of courses at the faculty was surveyed. Plans for future of graduates are completely different than those enetering the studies. The willingnes to work, moving abroad or starting up a business is decreasing with the passage of time and the intention to continue the education is rising. The membership in the faculty affects the level of satisfaction from acheived education, level of competences and the opinion on the conditions of studying.