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Nauczyciele kształcenia zawodowego o modelu kształcenia modułowego


Vocational teachers about modular vocational education model

Słowa kluczowe: nauczyciel szkoły zawodowej, szkoła zawodowa, kształcenie modułowe, rynek pracy, efektywność kształcenia.

Key words: vocationaleducation teacher, vocational school, modular education model, labour market, educational efficiency.

Abstract: The article presents some partial conclusions from the research conducted among teachers working in four vocational schools which participated in some pedagogical innovations based on application of the modular vocational training model. Some statements from interviews with vocational teachers presented in this paper indicate the most important characteristics of the modular education in the respondents` opinion. The opinions of teachers implementing this relatively new didactical model, which were collected during a four-year long period of the research, present this solution as a high effective and adequate to contemporary labour market requirements in terms of vocational education. However, one can find here also some indications of appearing difficulties, restrictions and some apprehensions as far as it is concerned.