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Innowacyjna dydaktyka bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy w edukacji zawodowej


The innovative teaching of health and safety at work in vocational education

Słowa kluczowe: dydaktyka bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, kształcenie zawodowe, innowacje, metody i formy kształcenia, warsztat pracy nauczyciela, ewaluacja, autoewaluacja, skuteczność systemu edukacji.

Key words: teaching of health and safety at work, vocational education, innovations, methods and forms of education, teacher’s methods, evaluation, self-evaluation, effectiveness of the educa-tional system.

Abstract: Implementation of health and safety education at univeristies, schools and curricula has required a search for innovative and interesting means (Jnaica-Panek T., 2012, 2013). The innovations include active methods as well as different forms of education and self-evaluation. The implementation of the innovations in the educational process has resulted in desired effects and contributed to increased students learning and activity.