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Student pedagogicznych studiów niestacjonarnych w sytuacji dostrzeganych zagrożeń i niepewności

Jan Saran

A student of part-time pedagogical studies in the situation of perceived threats and uncertainty

Słowa kluczowe: student, zagrożenia, subiektywne poczucie bezpieczeństwa, czynniki wsparcia w sytuacji zagrożeń.

Key words: student, threats, subjective sense of security, support factors in the situation of threats.

Abstract: The article presents the results of an empirical research on students (226 people) conducted in one of the non-public universities in Lublin. The research concerned the subjective sense of security and threat, risk taking patterns and sources of support for students of extramural pedagogical studies at this university. The article summarizes the types of threats as well as their diversification based on the socio-demographic factors. The article also presents the directions of changes in the student's situation in the context of types of threats over the past few years.