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Kształcenie archiwistów w Małopolsce


Training of archivists in Lesser Poland region

Słowa kluczowe: kształcenie archiwistów, szkolnictwo zawodowe, egzaminy potwierdzające kwalifikacje w zawodzie, szkoły policealne, kwalifikacyjne kursy zawodowe.

Key words: archivists training, vocational education, exams certifying vocational qualifica-tions, post-secondary schools, qualifying vocational courses.

Abstract: The article presents the contemporary model of the archivist training in Poland with-in the framework of vocational education system. In accordance with the provisions of law, the technician profession can be attained in a two-year post-secondary school and after finishing qualifying professional courses. Core subjects implemented within the framework of theoreti-cal and empirical vocational education which are the basis of the training were presented. The system of exams confirming the qualifications in archivist profession and the aims of vocation-al training in the context of dynamically changing needs of the labour and employers market are depicted. The factors determining the graduate's choice of post-secondary school and their choice of archives technician specialization were explained on the basis of own reasearch con-ducted in post-secondary schools in Lesser Poland region.