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Potrzeby edukacyjne nauczycieli kształcenia specjalnego (z badań w czterech krajach europejskich)


Educational needs of the special pedagogy teachers (from the research in four European countries)

Słowa kluczowe: nauczyciele, kształcenie specjalne, specjalne potrzeby edukacyjne, innowacyjność, edukacja ustawiczna.

Key words: teachers, special pedagogy, special educational needs, innovativeness, continuing education.

Abstract: The article presents the international activities undertaken within Erasmus Plus project i-Lab3, especially selected results of the survey on organizational and educational needs of teachers of people with disabilities carried out in four European countries. Innovation laboratories, as the inspirational innovative facility encouraging creative thinking and problem solving, correspond very well with the diagnosed needs. Laboratories existing in the structures of the partnership institutions are going to be implemented in the processes of teachers ‘competence development at the experimental stage of the project.