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Poradnictwo zawodowe otwarte na kształtowanie świadomości ekologicznej społeczeństwa


Career counselling open to shaping environmental awareness of the society

Słowa kluczowe: studia podyplomowe, poradnictwo zawodowe, świadomość ekologiczna społeczeństwa, teoria poradnictwa zawodowego, unowocześnianie poradnictwa zawodowego.

Key words: postgraduate studies, career counselling, environmental awareness of the society, the theory of career counselling, modernization of career counselling.

Abstract: Postgraduate studies „Career counselling open to shaping the ecological awareness of the society” organized at the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, as a part of the project co-financed by funds from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, EEA funds and national measures, have undertaken new issues concerning shaping the ecological awareness of the society as a part of career counselling. It is a new problem, concerning its content, which has not been the issue of career counselling yet or career counsellors who were not conscious enough. These issues are becoming the necessity of contemporary challenges and it is the reason why they were included into the curriculum of the postgraduate studies mentioned above.