Praca zawodowa versus życie rodzinne zagrożeniem dla jednostki i życia społecznego
A career versus family life as a threat to an individual and social life
Słowa kluczowe: polityka społeczna, czas pracy, wydajność, rodzina, nierównowaga.
Key words: social policy, working time, productivity, family, imbalance.
Abstract: As a result of civilizational transformations, the relations between a career and family life have changed. They are characterized by the even greater imbalance, understood as perceiving both of those spheres as two competing categories, what results in a conflict and treating them as mutually contradictory ones. The results of this state bear long-term consequences, which are presented in this article from the perspective of three social policies: demographical, family and employment ones. The last one is particularly significant for work pedagogues.