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Poza rynkiem pracy i systemem edukacyjnym. NEETs jako wyzwanie dla edukacji dorosłych

Łukasz TOMCZYK, Jolanta MAĆKOWICZ, Olga WYŻGA, Patrycja CURYŁO-Sikora, Anna DUDA, Anna MRÓZ, Barbara PIETRYGA-SZKARŁAT

Outside the labour market and education system. NEETs as a challenge for education of adults

Słowa kluczowe: NEET, młodzi dorośli, Polska, Europa, ekonomia i rynek pracy.

Key words: NEET, young adults, Poland, Europe, economics and the labor market.

Abstract: The aim of the article is to describe young adults, being outside the job market and system of education. This group is determined by an acronym NEET (Eng. Not in employment, education or training). Young adults included in this category are a real challenge for educating adults in the following aspects: diagnosis, creating system solutions minimizing the phenomenon of belonging to margin groups, or creation of methodological solutions favoring efficient and relatively fast social inclusion in the job market, or inclusion in formal and non-forma education. According to data collected, every fifth young adult in Europe may be classified as a NEET.