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Razem tworzymy senioralną przestrzeń

Wioletta JACHYM, Małgorzata KOŁPA, Aneta ŻURAWSKA-LANY

We togheter create a senioral space

Słowa kluczowe: edukacja dorosłych, uczenie się przez całe życie, jakość kształcenia, aktywne starzenie się.

Key words: adult education, lifelong learning, quality of education, active ageing.

Abstract: Evaluation of the project implementation within the framework of cooperation between the State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów and external entities. Material and methods. The results of questionnaires addressed to representatives of five universities of the third age participating in the project (N = 100) were analysed. The material collected concerned the evaluation of the implementation of, and participation in, the events being the components of the project. In the research, an original trademark evaluation questionnaire was used. Results. The survey participants assessed the project's implementation at a very high level. The highest scores were given to lectures on history, as well as IT and painting workshops. The results were dominated by very good and excellent grades. The evaluation of the Oxford Debate was slightly weaker, in this case there were discrepancies in the evaluation of participation in this form of education by representatives of various universities. The results of the research allowed for determination of the level of impact of the project implementation on the development of intergenerational solidarity. This impact was rated the highest by students of the Mościce University of the Third Age (UTW Mościce) (75%) and those of the Dąbrowa Tarnowska UTA (65%), both of whom gave very good marks. Very good, and even excellent grades prevailed in the assessment of the teaching conditions – the UTA in Brzesko (100%), the UTA in the Kromka Chleba Foundation (80%).