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Doświadczenie wolontariuszy w projekcie Europejska Stolica Kultury Wrocław 2016

Katarzyna KAJDANEK

Experience of volunteers in the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016 project

Słowa kluczowe: Europejska Stolica Kultury, wolontariat kulturalny, motywacje wolontariuszy.

Key words: European Capital of Culture, cultural volunteering, motivations of volunteers.

Abstract: The aim of the article is to discuss motivations and benefits resulting from the engagement as a volunteer in the European Capital of Culture Wroclaw 2016. Specificity of volunteering in culture, time-scale and variety of events making up for the ECoC as well as a unique opportunity to compare the Polish results with the results obtained in ECoC Liverpool 2008 were a background to formulate main research questions. Questions covered the research problems of the nature of experience of the engagement into volunteering as well as the similarities and differences between the phenomena in Poland and in the UK. The empirical mate-rial used for the article was comprised of the data collected using CAWI method with the volunteers and semi-structured interviews with the managing team.