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Projektowanie Sektorowych Ram Kwalifikacji w Polsce – na przykładzie branży budowlanej

Krzysztof SYMELA, Ireneusz WOŹNIAK

Designing the Sectoral Qualifications Framework in Poland – an example of the construction industry

Słowa kluczowe: kwalifikacje, wiedza, umiejętności, kompetencje społeczne, sektorowa rama kwalifikacji, sektor budowlany.

Key words: qualifications, knowledge, skills, social competences, sectoral qualifications framework, construction sector.

Abstract: The development of the sectoral qualifications frameworks in Poland is a part of the wider context of work on qualifications systems in the European Union member states related to, among others, the implementation of the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council (of 2008) on the establishment of The European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning and the creation of national qualifications frameworks. The article presents the experiences and feedback from research on creating the Sectoral Qualifications Framework in the Construction Industry (SQF-Bud) in Poland. At present, we can observe an ever faster development of the construction services market on the European ground, and thus an increase in the demand for a qualified workforce. Increasingly, employees work outside the country of their origin, whether they are delegated by the company in which they are employed, or by themselves seeking employment abroad. SQF-Bud will facilitate national and international activities in construction industry thanks to more transparent descriptions of qualifications and more readable certificates for the labour market and diplomas obtained in formal and nonformal education. In addition, SQF-Bud will help employees in the construction industry to present their qualifications, and will facilitate their evaluation by employers. Thus, SQF-Bud will support human resources management, the idea of lifelong learning and continuous professional development. Thanks to this, we can also expect the growth of competitiveness of the Polish construction sector. During the research conducted with the participation of a wide group of the construction industry representatives, the boundaries of the construction sector, sectoral determinants and sectoral contexts were determined, according to which the key professional competences for the construction industry were identified. They have become the basis for determining the characteristics of levels 2-8 of the Sectoral Qualifications Framework in the Construction Industry.