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Obcokrajowcy – uzupełnienie niedoborów czy wypychanie z rynku polskich pracowników?


Foreigners – easing shortages or crowding-out Polish employees?

Słowa kluczowe: cudzoziemcy, migracje, pracownicy, rynek pracy.

Key words: foreigners, migrations, employees, labour market.

Abstract: According to the data provided by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, in 2015 the number of registered declarations from employees to hire a foreigner increased rapidly. This applies to the foreigners who are employed on short-term contracts in Poland thanks to the so-called simplified procedure (which is used for the citizens of one of the six following countries: the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine). From the very beginning, the declaration procedure has been used mainly by employees willing to hire the Ukrainian citizens. The aim of this article is to analyse the regulations concerning the issues connected with employment of foreigners based on the employees declarations on the local labour market. The article describes the role and everyday activities of labour offices in this field. The paper attempts to answer the following question: Considering the current situation of the Polish labour market, are the foreign employees helping to ease labour shortages or are they crowding out Polish employees of the market?