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Model szkolenia w zakresie gospodarki odpadami w przedsiębiorstwie

Tomasz KUPIDURA, Małgorzata SZPILSKA

Model of training in waste management in an enterprise

Słowa kluczowe: gospodarka odpadami, kompetencje zawodowe, modułowy program szkolenia.

Key words: waste management, professional competences, modular training curriculum.

Abstract: The article presents opportunities to improve professional competences in waste management area supported by selected examples from Poland, Portugal, Germany and Sweden. Taking into account the current range of training and the results of the analysis of employers` requirements carried out in these four countries, there was proposed a unified structure of a modular training curriculum in waste management area referring to level 4 of the European Qualifications Framework. The results of research presented in the article are part of the international project Transfer of good practices and development of professional competences of employees in waste management area supported by IT tools (GreenCompIT), Erasmus + programme.