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Wsparcie studentów studiów niestacjonarnych przez ich rodziny i pracodawców w trakcie procesu studiowania – w świetle wyników badań


Supporting students of extention studies by their families and employers during the studies – in the light of survey results

Słowa kluczowe: studia niestacjonarne, student, pracodawcy.

Key words: extention studies, student, employers.

Abstract: Studies constitute a considerable challenge for students of extention studies. They are related to intellectual as well as financial and organizational efforts. In spite of the above mentioned, determination of young people with regard to learning at the level of higher studies is significant. More and more often students continue studies at two faculties with the belief that their chances at the labour market will considerably increase. However, very often a financial aspect is a real barrier to be overcome in order to undertake studies. There are reported cases of changing the type of the course of studies, that is, from the full-time into the extention course during the studies. The articles presents survey results which attempt to provide responses to questions referring to the degree of the support obtained by students of extention studies from their families and employers.