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Uwarunkowania współczesnego rynku pracy w Polsce


Determinants of the contemporary labour market in Poland

Słowa kluczowe: praca, bezrobocie, kwalifikacje zawodowe, problemy szkolnictwa zawodowego

Key words: job, unemployment, professional qualifications, problems of vocational education.

Abstract: Improving one’s qualifications is a necessity not only for those awaiting a promotion but also for those wanting to keep a current job or find a new one. In times of new technologies and the global economy, one has to be prepared for changes, even the radical ones leading to a change of profession. The ability to find a job is strictly conditioned by the economic development of separate regions of our country, as confirmed by the General Statistics Office. The article presents research results demonstrating some aspects of the correlations between the unemployment rate and economic development in Poland, educational activity of the Poles and the situation of the higher education system in the context of getting a job and career development of the graduates.