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Edukacja ustawiczna mistrzów w rzemiośle na przykładzie ochrony środowiska


Continuing education of craft masters – example in the field of environmental protection

Słowa kluczowe: edukacja ustawiczna, kompetencje, kwalifikacje, mistrz w rzemiośle, ochrona środowiska, zielona gospodarka, zrównoważony wzrost.

Key words: continuing education, competences, qualifications, craft master, environmental protection, green economy, sustainable growth.

Abstract: The article was prepared on the bases of survey results conducted within the LIFE pro-ject “3x environment” on the awareness of Polish craftsmen in the field of ecology. It shows the context of the lack of knowledge among society and entrepreneurs, especially in SME’s sector. It indicates what kind of actions should be taken in order to change the way of thinking in craft companies. Such actions are now implemented within the project “3x environment”, within which concrete training, informational meetings and series of branch articles have been performed. All those actions are boosted with “ecological education package for craftsmen”, where company`s duties heve been pointed out but also examples of good practices developed by craft masters – leaders in selected branches were presented. Such good practices enable the company to achieve savings as far as water or energy is concerned even by the level of 30-40%. Combining economic and ecological aspects is the effective way to attract companies into environmental protection issues.