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Wychowanie w rodzinie w kontekście aspiracji edukacyjno-zawodowych

Dagmara KOWALIK, Patrycja SODEL

Upbringing in a family in the context of educational and professional aspirations

Słowa kluczowe: wychowanie, rodzina, aspiracje, edukacja, zawód, kariera.

Key words: upbringing, family, aspirations, education, profession, career.

Abstract: The article presents how the process of upbringing influences educational and professional aspirations of children from large families. The analysis shows relations between upbringing and shaping attitudes and character of children, mainly their duties and responsibilities in the context of the preparation to professional activities and a career. Independence and responsibility shaped when upbringing in the family prepare children to behave and live in adult life and professional work. Parents do not suggest children type of education. People from large families choose education in vocational secondary schools and technical secondary schools. They undertake job and improve their qualifications at courses and training.