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Motywacja osiągnięć w karierze międzynarodowej przyszłych pedagogów a ich nadzieja na sukces


Future pedagogues’ motivation concerning international career and their hopes for success

Słowa kluczowe: rynek pracy, motywacja osiągnięć w karierze międzynarodowej, pedagodzy.

Key words: labour market, motivation for pursuing on international career, pedagogues.

Abstract: The majority of young people who graduate from a higher education institution expect to find a job that would allow them to pursue a career of their choice. According to various studies and reports, more and more young people decide to satisfy their aspirations on the international market. Such decisions are conditioned by the difficult situation on the national labour market, but also by the students’ desire to pursue an international career, as well as their hopes and conviction that they will succeed. The article offers an analysis of the study conducted in a group of pedagogy students graduating from the three biggest higher educational institutions in central-eastern Poland.