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Kodeks etyki zawodu nauczyciela: potrzeba, formalne umocowanie i skuteczność


Teacher’s Code of Ethics: The Necessity, Formal Regulation and Effectiveness

Słowa kluczowe: kodeks etyki nauczyciela, potrzeba i skuteczność kodeksu etyki, profesjonalizm nauczyciela, edukacja nauczyciela.

Key words: teacher’s code of ethics, the necessity and effectiveness of the teacher’s code, teacher professionalism, teacher education.

Abstract: The paper critically discusses selected results of the nationwide research on the ethics of teachers in Poland. The paper presents the results regarding the need to adopt a generally binding teacher’s code of ethics, its formal regulations and the potential effectiveness. Research shows that teachers' attitude to the idea of introducing a code of ethics has not yet been fully crystallized among the teachers in Poland. In continuing education of teachers, both legal education and ethics education should play an important role, contributing to the strengthening of teachers' professionalism.