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Studenci pedagogiki o wyborze kierunku, oczekiwaniach wobec studiów i przyszłej pracy


Students of pedagogy about choosing the direction of studies, expectations towards studies and future work

Słowa kluczowe: studenci, studia pedagogiczne, motywy, zainteresowania, aktywność społeczna.

Key words: students, pedagogical studies, motives, interest, social activity.

Abstract: The article presents the results of surveys conducted in the academic year 2016/2017 among full-time students of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. They dealt with the issues of conditions for the selection of pedagogical studies. Attention was drawn to the importance of both personal qualities and interests in making educational and professional decisions. The motives that inspired respondents to study under the chosen field were described. It indicates what expectations towards the process of studying and then professional work are formulated by students of pedagogical studies at the first and second level of education.