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Szkolenie i doskonalenie jako jeden z kluczowych czynników rozwoju organizacji


Training and improvement of employees as one of the key factors for the company development

Słowa kluczowe: szkolenie i doskonalenie pracowników, rozwój organizacji, efektywność szkoleń.

Key words: training and development of employees, company development, effectiveness of training.

Abstract: In the article the author discuss the issue how training and development of employees influence the company development, based on a national and international literature review. The employees constitute the basic capital of each organisation. The improvement of their qualifications is a significant element for the company strategy as the newest technologies are useless if people are not able to use them. Changes in the recent years concern not only the development of the training market, but also the increase in the awareness of the management staff that effective training, which are linked with relevant objectives, are important for the development of a company and its employees. More and more often the practitioners in management area confirm the close relation between the quality of a human capital and the competitiveness of a company.