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Świętokrzyski Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku


Świętokrzyski Third Age University

Słowa kluczowe: Świętokrzyski Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku, edukacja dorosłych, starość, uczenie się przez całe życie, aktywne starzenie się.

Key words: Świętokrzyski Third Age University, adult education, old age, lifelong learning, active ageing.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the presentation of the Świętokrzyski Third Age University, which during its thirty-one years of activity has became a part of the history of Kielce and the region as a professional institution, taking care of high standards of senior education. The history of the university and its present condition is briefly shownt. The program offer, which includes: plenary lectures, seminars, workshops, foreign language courses, work in sections, interest groups, volunteer team and activities in the Club Nad Silnica was presented. The current problems and development prospects of the Świętokrzyski Third Age University (maintenance of the educational offer, obtaining additional sources of financing statutory activities, involvement in works for elderly people of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship) were discussed.