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Od badań analfabetyzmu funkcjonalnego do innowacji i internacjonalizacji edukacji dorosłych


From studies of functional illiteracy to innovations and internationalization of adult education

Słowa kluczowe: analfabetyzm funkcjonalny, edukacja dorosłych, kształcenie ustawiczne, projekty międzynarodowe.

Key words: functional illiteracy, adult education, continuing education, international projects.

Abstract: Analyzing the careerl and academic development of Professor Ewa Przybylska in terms of the innovative internationalization of research and practice in adult education, particular attention was paid to supporting the development of theoreti-cal and methodological foundations of andragogy and the presentation of her achieve-ments in Germany, European Union countries and many countries of the world. Innova-tive technologies in education including international modular training curricula had created a new specialist – an educator of adults.