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Pozaszkolne formy upowszechniania wiedzy rolniczej wśród gospodyń wiejskich 1918–1939


Non-school forms of disseminating agricultural knowledge among housewives in 1918–1939

Słowa kluczowe: kształcenie, andragogika, oświata rolnicza.

Key words: education, andragogy, agricultural education.

Abstract: In times of the Second Republic the interest in non-school forms of adult education has significantly increased. Much attention began to be applied to the agricultural education by organizing competitions, courses, exhibitions, shows and trips. Some theorists and practitioners of education expressed their opinion about involving housewives into these activities. The press of the interwar period contained a lot of information about the methods of education of housewives as well as their effects. There is no doubt that much has been done in the education of housewives in the field of housekeeping and rural life. This article gives a semblance of knowledge about the poorly-known pedagogical work performed in the interwar period.