Projekty artystyczne jako forma edukacji ustawicznej w zakładach karnych
Artistic projects as a form of continuing education in penitentiaries
Słowa kluczowe: zakład karny, edukacja ustawiczna, sztuka.
Key words: penitentiary, continuing education, art.
Abstract: Referring to the assumptions of so called creative social rehabilitation, the author indicates that prison education can and should have much broader than just a didactic dimension. The article presents four artistic projects, conducted in Polish penitentiaries in the period 2012– –2014. The originator of these projects is Professor Zbigniew Bajek from the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. „The Labyrinth of Freedom” was implemented in Nowy Wiśnicz Prison, „The Horizon of Freedom” in Radom Remand Center, „Kafka – Taming an Alien” and „Magic Square” in prisons in Kielce and Zabrze as well as remand centers in Toruń and Wojkowice.