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Kształtowanie kompetencji społecznych nauczycieli wychowania przedszkolnego i wczesnoszkolnego


Development of social competences of pre-school and early education teachers

Słowa kluczowe: nauczyciel, kompetencje społeczne, kształcenie ustawiczne.

Key words: teacher, social competences, continuing education.

Abstract: The article presents research results referring to differences in social competences (one of the key determinants of the effectiveness and achieving success in the teacher profession) of pedagogy students of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw (specialization: „early childhood education”) and students of the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology. The study did not identify (with one small exception) any statistically significant differences between the compared groups in the sphere of social competences as well as their constituent components. As a result of the obtained feedback it is postulated to make the examined psychological construct the subject of continuing education.