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Kompetencje kluczowe w zawodach branży elektrycznej

Jarosław SITEK, Wojciech OPARCIK

Key competences in professions in electrical industry

Słowa kluczowe: kompetencje kluczowe, kompetencje zawodowe, standard kompetencji zawodowych, zawód, rynek pracy.

Key words: key competences, professional competences, professional competence standard, profession, labour market.

Abstract: The article presents the results of research on key competences for selected professions in electrical industry carried out in order to determine the importance of key competences for certain professions. The analysis included 7 professions from National Classification of Occupations and Specializations, group 741 Building construction electricians, electro-mechanics and installation electricians. The research were carried out while developing the National Professional Competence Standards, project B2.2. Developing a set of national professional competence standards required by employers.