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Uczyć się, aby być – pracować, aby żyć

Kazimierz WENTA

Learning to be – working to live

Słowa kluczowe: uczyć się, być podmiotem, pracować dla godnego życia.

Key words: learning, being a subject, working to lead a dignified life.

Abstract: Being a man of an individual community and a person among above 7 billion different people in dynamically changing conditions of geological, biological, social, economical, economic, civilizational and cultural, information and communication, means so much. But there is also the possibility of losing, what is called, love, equality and security. Learn how to be a man and work on yourself, strive for limiting destructive phenomenon, in which people live. More and more people (almost 70% of the population) are amateurs ignoring scientific knowledge about the truth, the good and the beauty of Mother Earth that it is valuable for other people and descendants which seems to be the dignity of human fate in the shackles of multiple values in themselves and for themselves.