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Integracja polityki społecznej i oświatowej na rzecz edukacji cyfrowej młodego pokolenia

Katarzyna Ziębakowska-Cecot

Integration of social and educational policies for the digital education of the young generation

Słowa kluczowe: polityka społeczna, polityka edukacyjna, edukacja cyfrowa, młodzież.

Key words: social policy, education policy, digital education, youth.

Abstract: Each year society faces more and more challenges concerned with the cyberspace, especially when it comes to the youth and the content they encounter online. The main interest is to raise digital competences but also pay attention to risk factors including behavioural addictions (phonophobia, nomophobia), and pathological patterns. Therefore, Polish social and educational policy-makers are highly recommended to join their efforts and deliver a common programme supporting the youth and their families in raising e-literacy.