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Sposoby poszukiwania pracy przez osoby niepełnosprawne


Ways of job seeking by the disabled

Słowa kluczowe: osoba niepełnosprawna, rynek pracy, metody poszukiwania zatrudnienia, oferty pracy, motywy poszukiwania pracy.

Key words: a disabled person, labour market, job seeking methods, job offers, motives for job seeking.

Abstract: The aim of the article is to show job search methods used by people with disabilities in the context of own research results. This study is a narrow part of the analyzes related to the issue of vocational activation of this group of people. The first part of the study contains a theoretical introduction, the second part presents respondents' answers to questions related to factors influencing the decision to search for employment, the preferred methods in this respect and the frequency of contact with the labour market. The results of the study showed that the factor influencing the decision to look for a job was primarily the desire to raise the material status, the need for greater independence and being among people, changing the current lifestyle and the need to improve skills and develop interests. It is worth noting that people with disabilities most often use less-effective job search methods and also have low activity in this area.