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Mobilność edukacyjna i przedsiębiorczość osób starszych


Educational mobility and entrepreneurship of the elderly

Słowa kluczowe: mobilność edukacyjna, przedsiębiorczość, osoby starsze, rynek pracy.

Key words: educational mobility, entrepreneurship, older people, labour market.

Abstract: The demographic changes taking place in the Polish society are also reflected on the labour market. Since the labour force is aging, the issue of stimulating the professional activity of the elderly becomes particularly important. The article assumes the thesis that the factor fostering professional activation of older people influences their educational mobility, which in turn can trigger entrepreneurial attitudes in this group. The aim of the article is to present the attitude of the elderly to educational activity and the impact of education and training on improving their situation on the labor market, and on the other hand to show the current level of entrepreneurship in this group. Investigations were based on the results of the own study on the situation of people aged 50+ in the labour market and their participation in lifelong learning, including the analysis of existing public data.