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Działania na rzecz umiędzynarodowienia kształcenia w szkole wyższej – budowa modelu liniowego


Internationalization of higher education – the construction of the linear model

Słowa kluczowe: umiędzynarodowienie, szkolnictwo wyższe, język obcy.

Key words: internationalization, higher education, foreign language.

Abstract: Learning a foreign language is currently the leading element of the development at every level of education. Having a foreign language skills helps to communicate in a multicultural environment and favors mobility processes. The internationalization of the higher education process takes place in most countries. The purpose of the article is to present results from the research based on which a linear model of foreign language learning cost was built. The model allows to fulfill the expectations in terms of the preferences of the cost of learning a foreign language and the number of hours of classes per week, and it gives the university the ability to determine the economics of the project, without having to analyze separate stakeholders of the academic community.