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Refleksje uczniów dorosłych na temat własnych doświadczeń edukacyjnych


Adult students` reflection on their own educational experiences

Słowa kluczowe: doświadczenia edukacyjne, błąd decyzyjny, szkoła, uczeń dorosły.

Key words: school expiriences, mistake, school, adult learner.

Abstract: School surroundings is limited by rules and regulations which are supposed to be followed by students. However, it may happen that some students do not feel that their needs and expectations are met, while any decisions made by them generate more or less positive outcome. The following text presents educational experiences of adult students which are a consequence of making wrong decisions in school surroundings. This perspective made it possible to distinguish some areas which frequently are not included in more detailed analysis of educational phenomena, although, form long term perspective, they might be of crucial importance in the process of shaping social skills.