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Kompetencje społeczne a rynek pracy – w opinii studentów studiów pierwszego i drugiego stopnia


Social competences and the labour market – opinions of students of first and second degree of studies

Słowa kluczowe: rynek pracy, pracownik, wiedza, umiejętności, kompetencje społeczne.

Key words: labour market, employee, knowledge, skills, social competences.

Abstract: The complex processes observed in the labour market require from employees not only knowledge and skills, but also social competences, which ensure smooth functioning of the company as a team of workers and an efficient venture. Research conducted in a private higher education institution in Warsaw has allowed to provide answers to the following questions: how do students perceive the labour market? in students’ opinion, what social competences are expected in the labour market today? do the higher education institutions prepare students for entering the labour market, and if yes, to what degree? what are the reasons for which higher education institutions do not / are not able to prepare students for entering the labour market?