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Rozumienie kompetencji przez edukatorów osób dorosłych w świetle badań fenomenograficznych

Marta Dobrzyniak 

Understanding competences by adult people educators in the light of phenomenomographical research

Słowa kluczowe: kompetencje, edukatorzy, doświadczanie, koncepcje, kategorie, fenomenografia.

Key words: competences, educators, experience, concepts, categories, phenomenography.

Abstract: The researcher presents the findings of the phenomenographical research carried out in 2017 and 2018 with respect to various ways of understanding of the phenomenon of competencies. Individual reconstructions of experiences of adult educators led to the conclusion that is outlined in the paper. The categories of understanding reflect the meaning of the phenomenon “competences” as understood by 20 adult educators representing a wide spectrum of ages, branches and experience. The paper is partly based on a doctoral dissertation of the author.