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Model szkolenia i certyfikacji trenerów fotowoltaiki z wykorzystaniem systemu ECVET

Mirosław ŻUREK

Training and certification model for photovoltaic trainers with the use of ECVET system

Słowa kluczowe: Erasmus+, uczenie się przez całe życie, kwalifikacje, trener w obszarze fotowoltaiki, edukacja pozaformalna, nieformalne uczenie się, standard kompetencji zawodowych, modułowy program szkolenia, pakiety edukacyjne, certyfikacja personelu, e-learning.

Key words: Erasmus+, lifelong learning, qualifications, photovoltaic trainer, nonformal education, informal learning, standard of professional competence, modular training programme, certification model, e-learning.

Abstract: The article presents the justification for undertaking research in the area of improving the competence of trainers conducting training for installers of photovoltaic (PV) systems within the Erasmus+ project: “Training and certification model for photovoltaic trainers with the use of ECVET system”. It shows the area of the studies and indicats research methods to be used for. Reference was also made to justify the selection of partners. The conclusion lists the benefits that the project will bring to the development of education and improvement of vocational education and training in the field of photovoltaics.