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Relacje opinii studentów o studiach, zaangażowaniu, wypaleniu a średnia ocen


Relation of students` opinion about studies, engagement, burnout and average grade

Słowa kluczowe: zaangażowanie w studia, wypalenie studiami, wymagania studiów, zasoby studiów, postawy studentów.

Key words: students engagement, students burnout, study demands, study resources, student attitudes.

Abstract: This article presents an empirical analysis of the Demands–Resources Theory (D–R) in predicting the level of burnout and engagement among Polish students. The D–R assumes that study resources are positively related to engagement and the study demands lead to burnout. The study carried out in a group of 128 students revealed the results contrary to predictions of D–R. The study demands were positively related to students' engagement represented by dedication and absorption. Whereas study resources were positively associated with the dimensions of burnout: cynicism and exhaustion. These findings point to the difficulties in interpretation of the results of students' opinion surveys and suggest the urgent need to create a theoretical framework for interpretation of students' opinions and attitudes research. Our results also seem to suggest that students' opinions might be a week source of data for the purpose of education quality evaluation.