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Potencjał seniorów na rynku pracy

Norbert PIKUŁA

The potential of seniors on the labour market

Słowa kluczowe: osoba starsza, rynek pracy, potencjał zawodowy osoby starszej, edukacja do pracy.

Key words: senior, labour market, career potential of seniors, education for work.

Abstract: The article focuses on the issue of the potential and career activity of seniors in the context of changing labour markets and employment. It points out the fact that work is a fundamental value together with career activity allows an employee to satisfy one`s needs and develop one`s personality. An analysis of a changing employment model and requirements set by employers serves to determine the position of a senior whose professional activity has been statutorily ended. The problem of the employment of seniors and the possibility of using their potential on the labour market became the subject of research interests, the selected results of which are presented in the article. The aim of the study was to establish the opinions of seniors in relation to their potential as well as their mental and physical capacity in the context of employment in the changing contemporary labour market. A probe method involving 120 seniors over the age of 60 was used for this purpose. The emerging trends characterising the respondents served as aźbasis for the formulation of conclusions concerning work and lifelong development education. It can be concluded that work and lifelong activity education as well as openness to change pose a challenge to contemporary education, to pedagogy.