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Potrzeby i oczekiwania radomskich pracodawców w zakresie rozwoju kształcenia zawodowego

Krzysztof SYMELA

Needs and expectations of Radom employers in terms of vocational education development

Słowa kluczowe: kształcenie zawodowe, kwalifikacje zawodowe, kompetencje personalne i społeczne, umiejętności, postawy, klasyfikacja zawodów szkolnictwa zawodowego, rynek pracy.

Key words: vocational education, professional qualifications, personal and social competences, skills, attitudes, classification of occupations for vocational education, the labour market.

Abstract: Dynamic changes in the economy undoubtedly have a significant impact on the labour market and set the direction of modernization of vocational education. This principle applies also to Radom city, where the directions of economic development and smart specializations, characteristic for Mazovia, are currently the center of attention of local authorities and providers of vocational education and training. In particular, it is about a close link between the offer of vocational education (basic, secondary and higher level) and non-formal education with the needs of the local labour market today and in the future. The article presents selected feedback from the pilot research “Diagnosis of the needs and expectations of employers in terms of the development of vocational education in Radom”. The research was conducted in the period October-November 2015 by Work Pedagogy of Innovative Economy Centre at the Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom in cooperation with the Municipal Council of Radom (the Department of Radom Economic Zone and the Department of Education) and members of Radom Metal Cluster at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Radom region. The study showed that in the next five years Radom employers will need new labour resources in among others metal industry and other sectors of the economy.