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System rozwoju kompetencji zawodowych transferu i komercjalizacji innowacyjnych rozwiązań

Jolanta Religa

Słowa kluczowe: kompetencje, szkolenie, innowacja, komercjalizacja, menadżer.

Key words: competences, training, innovation, commercialisation, manager.

Abstract: Changes in the field of advanced technologies require the adaptation of education and staff development systems in order to provide key competences essential for, either the implementation of innovative solutions and products or employability and mobility of employees. Article presents the research results which confirmed competence gaps of the employees involved in the process of innovation transfer and proposes a comprehensive approach to their development. Author refers to the competences acquired within non formal learning. There was proved in the paper, that to assure the sustainable development of the enterprises, knowledge and interdisciplinary competences should be gathered in hands of a leader of innovative solution – manager of innovation. His/her professional profile was defined in the article as well as the proposal of the training modules. Program and methodological solutions suggested by the research team were practically verified. Evaluation research accompanying the pilot training for employees showed that proposed training content allow achieving learning outcomes which were planned. Fields for further development were identified.
Training for managers of innovations enriched the ITeE – PIB’s offer of continuing vocational education dedicated to the staff of innovative enterprises.