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Edukacja zawodowa i prozawodowa w regionie gdańskim w pierwszej dekadzie XXI wieku

Jerzy Ambroży

Słowa kluczowe: edukacja zawodowa, edukacja prozawodowa, technikum, zasadnicza szkoła zawodowa, liceum profilowane, technikum uzupełniające, szkoła policealna.

Key words: vocational education, cooperative education, secondary technical school, basic vocational school, specialized secondary school, supplementary secondary technical school, post-secondary school.

Summary: This article is the last (fifth) edition depicting the system of vocational education in the Gdansk region in the years 1919–2010. It is devoted to the changes taking place in vocational education between 2000–2010. It discusses, among others, changes in the structure of educational system initiated by the 1998 reform referring to primary and lower secondary education, general secondary, vocational education since 2002 as well as post-secondary education since 2005.