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Początki wiedzy Polaków o internatowych uniwersytetach ludowych Skandynawii rosyjski ślad

Tomasz Maliszewski

Słowa kluczowe: Zofia Kowalewska (1850–1891), recepcja idei skandynawskiego uniwersytetu ludowego na gruncie polskim, geneza polskich uniwersytetów ludowych, historia edukacji dorosłych.

Key words: Sofia Kovalevskaya (1850–1891), reception of Scandinavian folk high school idea in the Polish environment, the genesis of Polish folk high schools, history of adult education.

Abstrakt: This article points out the impact of the publication of Sophie Kovalevskaya – the Russian mathematician, Professor of the University of Stockholm to explore the ideas and organizational and programmatic assumptions of Scandinavian folk high schools by the Poles in the late nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century. The author recalls the first Polish discuss of her article on the Swedish folk high schools (prepared for the St Petersburg magazine “Sewernyj Westnik, No 11, 1891), which appeared in the pages of magazines in Warsaw in 1891 and the Polish edition of the full text of the Russian scientist as an independent booklet: „Uniwersytet chłopski w Szwecji” (Eng.: “The university for peasants in Sweden”) in the K. Kowalewski printing house in 1903. Next, he pointed to the examples of the use this translations of Kovalevskaya work by the Polish authors (Michalski and Krzeczkowski, Lutosławski, rev. Ludwiczak et al.) to promote folk high schools as institutions that can contribute to development of the Polish rural areas.