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Monter stolarki budowlanej – od kwalifikacji rynkowej do zawodu szkolnego

Tomasz Sułkowski

Woodwork construction fitter – from market qualification to the school profession

Słowa kluczowe: montowanie stolarki budowlanej, monter stolarki budowlanej, kształcenie zawodowe, kwalifikacja rynkowa, Zintegrowany System Kwalifikacji, Zintegrowany Rejestr Kwalifikacji, edukacja formalna, edukacja pozaformalna, Polska Rama Kwalifikacji, Podmiot Zewnętrznego Zapewnienia Jakości, Instytucja Certyfikująca.

Key words: assembling of woodwork construction, woodwork construction fitter, vocational education, market qualification, Integrated Qualifications System, Integrated Qualifications Register, formal education, non-formal education, Polish Qualification Framework, External Entity for Quality Assurance, Certification Authority.

Abstract: Since November 2017, in the Integrated Qualifications System (IQS), the first market qualification "Assembling of woodwork construction" has been functioning. Since September 2018, first-degree vocational schools have been able to educate students in woodwork construction fitter profession. The article discusses the functioning of IQS in the field of validation and certification of market qualifications, taking the example of market qualification "Assembling of woodwork construction". A comparison was made of the competence profile of persons with market qualification "Assembling of woodwork construction" and future graduates in the profession of woodwork construction fitter.