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Informacje o zawodach w działalności wojewódzkiego urzędu pracy

Anna Kicior

Information about occupations in the activity of the regional labour office

Słowa kluczowe: rynek pracy, informacja o zawodzie, kompetencje, kwalifikacje, poradnictwo zawodowe.

Key words: labour market, information about the occupation, competences, qualifications, career guidance.

Abstract: One of the tasks carried out by the Regional Labour Offices in Poland is the coordination and provision of career guidance and career information services as well as activities in the field of international job placement within the framework of the EURES network. The article presents the possibilities of using information about occupations by career counsellors and employment agents in labour offices. It discusses the professional information used so far and compares it to the recently updated information about occupations developed in the INFODORADCA+ project. The article concentrates on the unquestionable usefulness of the project database as an open source of information about occupations.