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Informacje o zawodach w działalności Ochotniczych Hufców Pracy

Katarzyna Misiowiec

Information about occupations in the activity of Voluntary Labour Corps

Słowa kluczowe: doradztwo zawodowe, kompetencje kluczowe, opis zawodu, planowanie ścieżki kariery, oczekiwania rynku pracy.

Key words: career counselling, key competences, description of the occupation, career path planning, labour market requirements.

Abstract: The project INFODORADCA+ introduces the database of descriptions including information about the occupations as a new tool to the labour market. It is a consolidated list of requirements for each individual profession. It clearly indicates key competences required by employers. The database is dedicated to career consultants/counsellors, parents, teachers, youth job seekers, employers, labour agencies, training institutions. Effective usage of occupational information shall highly improve job selection and educational decisions.