Klasyfikacja zawodów i specjalności na potrzeby rynku pracy – od przeszłości do przyszłości
Agnieszka Majcher-Teleon, Ewa Flaszyńska
Classification of occupations and specialisations for the labour market – from the past to the future
Słowa kluczowe: edukacja, klasyfikacja, kwalifikacje, rynek pracy, rozwój zawodowy, specjalność, zawód.
Key words: education, classification, qualifications, labour market, career development, specialty, occupation.
Abstract: The aim of the article is to outline the relationship between the classification of occupations and specializations and other systemic tools facilitating labour market policy and education policy in particular European classification of skills/ competences, qualifications and competences (ESCO), Integrated Qualifications System and standards of professional competences (information about professions). The article also presents the opportunities of developing the classification of occupations and skills in the context of the changing situation on the labour market and digitalisation.