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Narzędzie ICT do rozpoznawania kwalifikacji zawodowych w zawodach elektryk i mechanik w Polsce, Niemczech i Portugalii


An ICT tool for recognizing vocational qualifications in electrician and mechanic professions in Poland, Germany and Portugal

Słowa kluczowe: kompetencje zawodowe, platforma informatyczna, zawód, elektryk, mechanik pojazdów samochodowych, samoocena umiejętności zawodowych, europejski rynek pracy.

Key words: professional competences, IT platform, profession, electrician, motor vehicle mechanic, self-assessment of professional skills, european labour market.

Abstract: The project “Recognition of professional qualifications for the purposes of transfer on the European labor market”, Erasmus+ programme, tackles the issue of mismatch of professional competences to the expectations of the national and European labour market. The article presents an ICT tool for identifying and comparing professional competences of electrician and motor vehicle mechanic professions taken as in Poland, Germany, Portugal. The possibilities for developing the IT platform for other professions and other labour markets were presented.