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Projekt INFODORADCA+ z perspektywy zarządzającego

Jarosław Zysnarski, Monika Dryl

INFODORADCA+ project from the perspective of the management team

Słowa kluczowe: zarządzanie, integracja, podejmowanie decyzji, zarządzanie zmianą, harmonogram, zarządzanie jakością, koszty, ryzyko, zespół projektowy, opis zawodu, rynek pracy.

Key words: management, integration, decision making, change management, timetable, quality management, costs, risks, project team, description of the occupation, labour market.

Abstract: The INFODORADCA+ project was one of the biggest and most complicated undertakings referring to the labour market, including the development of 1000 professions. It was a challenge from the point of view of the methodology and importance for the labour market institutions but also from the perspective of managing the whole process. The project was implemented by five different institutions representing both state-owned research institutes and private companies. All of them were fully responsible for the components of the project assigned to them; on the other side, the management team had to introduce unified procedures that enabled control and management of the project’s team, quality, costs and risks. In total, some seven thousand experts were involved in the project; vast majority of them were engaged using time-consuming (and unified) contracting procedures. In addition, there were hundreds of stakeholders also involved in the process. The project’s success was based on the combination of “soft” management measures, respecting the project’s partners autonomy and based on consensus building with the implementation of obligatory procedures, forms and checklists, binding for all the Partners.