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Konkursy artystyczne jako narzędzie promocji projektu INFODORADCA+


Art competitions as a tool for the promotion of INFODORADCA+ project

Słowa kluczowe: praca, promocja, sztuki wizualne, filmy, zdjęcia.

Key words: work, promotion, visual arts, films, photos.

Abstract: The close relationship between visual arts and work issues has a long tradition in the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, first mass-produced photos were used in the fight for rights of people working in American factories. Nowadays, visual art forms like photos or films not only encourage discussion of working conditions, but also illustrate the work itself – documenting both new and disappearing professions for future generations. The article presents an example of the use of artistic competitions and acquired photos and videos – topic: work – to broadly promote the project INFODORADCA+ and its products.